‘Misfits’: Series 4 Episode 6 review

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Put down that cheese’n’pineapple on a stick! This is an episode of Misfits that expects you to grab a glass of sherry and a paper plate and get stuck into the buffet of Sunday night insanity that its laid on for you. A buffet that outdoes the drink, drugs, and shagging that Rudy promises.

If there’s one thing Misfits does better than any other show, its that it can strike the perfect balance between the ridiculous and the menacing; able to craft a compelling threat from the most ludicrous of situations. Think milky killers, zombie cats, or Rudy’s penis almost dropping off after contracting a super-STD. If, next week, a pair of killer His n’ Hers hand towels were introduced, you can be sure that the writers would be able to find some way of making them threatening.

So when Richard ‘The Colonel’ Saunders’s (geddit?) acid trip of a giant murderous white rabbit with a low golf handicap becomes real, you know that it’s going to be a good episode. There is something vaguely sinister about giant rabbits: think Harvey or Donnie Darko or any adult in a Bugs Bunny costume. You can’t help but laugh a little as the besuited bunny condenses from the shadows with an Inception-style ‘Bwauum!’ and swings his golf club, but equally there is something decidedly uncanny. Much like if Winnie the Pooh carried an AK-47, or Mrs Tiggywinkle knew how to garotte people.

And as if a rampant rabbit outside the party wasn’t enough there’s also a fixation on sex inside, as the inventive ‘Forehead Sex Scoreboard’ power creates some sexual tension, makes everyone look like a bit of a dick, but is also a handy conduit to exploring their bedroom insecurities. Even Rudy gets his ‘once a series’ chance to show his sensitive grown-up side, in a moment with mysterious future plot thread Nadine that you’re sure will shatter with an insensitive faux-pas about his cock, but actually turns out to be quite sweet.

Hey and speaking of cocks, how are you doing Alex? The revelation that the Geordie barman has less tackle than a forgetful fisherman is more of a giggly surprise than a shock reveal (at least one of you lot guessed correctly), and really after an episode where we’ve seen a homicidal rabbit there’s little that can take us aback. But it does at least set up some momentum for the next episode, and more of the balls-to-the-wall craziness we love about the show. Ooh, maybe that was a bad turn of phrase…

That the entrance of new gang member Abbey (Natasha O’Keefe) gets a little lost in proceedings isn’t surprising, but her introduction doesn’t feel contrived. Though a little difficult to form much of an opinion of her from so little, we will say that O’Keefe plays a passed-out/drunk girl very well. It’s just a shame that we’ll only get two more episodes with Abbey, because blummin’ heck we’re nearly at the end of the series. Gone by quick, hasn’t it? Eat up everyone. Two weeks and the insanity buffet will be over.

Aired at 10pm on Sunday 2 December 2012 on E4.

> Buy the complete Series 1-3 boxset on Amazon.

> Order Series 4 on DVD on Amazon.

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