‘Doctor Who’ news summary: Everything we know so far about Season 8

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Episode 6: ‘The Caretaker’

Air date: Saturday 27 September 2014, 8.30pm.

Written by Gareth Roberts and Steven Moffat.

Directed by Paul Murphy.

Guest cast: Samuel Anderson as Danny Pink, Ellis George as Courtney Woods, Edward Harrison as Adrian, Nigel Betts as Mr Armitage,  Andy Gillies as CSO Matthew, Nanya Campbell as Noah, Joshua Warner-Campbell as Yashe, Oliver Barry-Brook as Kelvin Ramone Morgan as Tobias, Winston Ellis as Mr Woods, Gracy Goldman as Mrs Woods, Diana Katis as Mrs Christopholou, Jimmy Vee as Skovox Blitzer, Chris Addison as Seb.

Official synopsis: “The terrifying Skovox Blitzer is ready to destroy all humanity – but worse, and any second now, Danny Pink and the Doctor are going to meet. When terrifying events threaten Coal Hill school, the Doctor decides to go undercover.”

Doctor Who The Caretaker

Gareth Roberts: “The school has become an unfortunate battleground because of its past history and because of the things that are currently happening there. It’s become a place where bad things are going to happen… The Doctor likes Courtney [pupil at school, seen in ‘Deep Breath’ and ‘Into The Dalek’], he recognises a kindred spirit, in that she doesn’t have any social niceties either.”

Steven Moffat: “Clara has it all under control: her life at school, her life in space; her new boyfriend and her mad old Time Lord. Everything is humming along just fine, so long as everybody never actually meets. And then, one morning, just before assembly, Coal Hill welcomes a new relief caretaker with a Scottish accent.”

Steven Moffat: “An absolute hoot of an episode with some surprisingly serious bits in it. I suppose it is not unlike ‘The Lodger’…”

Gareth Roberts: “Always very proud of #DoctorWho but I think the forthcoming series is particularly good – and very different!”